Posted by Ismael | Friday, January 23, 2009 | 2 comments »

The link below is from a show called "TIEMPO" that broadcast on WABC NY Sunday mornings.

Interesting topic, please view and post your opinions.


  1. Unknown // January 23, 2009 at 2:18 PM  

    Other than sheer ignorance, I think there are some politicians that have fed into this.
    We have a world that is always looking to blame someone else for our problems. The economy is down, and immigrants are taking our jobs....this is what some in Washington are saying.
    This leads to people that buy into this and take matters into their own hands.
    This is the type of stuff, that I think gets under-reported in the media.
    We can keep tabs on the Casey Anthony case for about 6 months, but rarely hear about these hate crimes. Very sad!

  2. Marcy // January 24, 2009 at 12:41 AM  

    Jerry I agree with you, and it is really out of ignorance. People should think before they start saying that the illegal immigrants are taking the jobs away from people now. Look at the so called jobs that the illegal immigrants are taking... they are not jobs that American Citizens want to do. Who wants to work on a farm, or at a fruit stand or a flower shop taking the thorns off of the roses?

    We should always remember that the attention gets focussed on these cases according to what is on the political agenda. Obviously with other things like the state of the economy and what is happening on wall street on the forefront. Stories like this slip through the cracks. On the other hand though the spanish news channels covered these stories thoroughly. They even went to Ecuador to Lucero's family to bury the guy. Just goes to show if it is not part of their day to day lives they could really care less about these issues.